CRE  Final Report – Redevelopment Potential of the Preston Riverwalk - April, 2015



Norwich State Hospital History

A quick unofficial history of development of the hospital property

The Frigate Confederacy

Revolutionary warship built at Preston Riverwalk Site

Story Tavern

Story Tavern and Frigate Confederacy

Office of the State Archaeologist



Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc. (CERC)

Demographics, labor statistics, research, Town profiles...

CT Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)

State of Connecticut Economic Development

Southeast Connecticut Enterprise Region (SeCTeR)

Economic Development in Southeast Connecticut

Southeastern Council of Governments (SECCOG)

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) is a public agency with representatives from twenty towns, cities and boroughs formed to provide a basis for intergovernmental cooperation in dealing with a wide range of issues facing Southeastern Connecticut.



Copyright 2015 Preston Redevelopment Agency