The Town of Preston, Connecticut is located in New London County situated in the  Southeastern portion of the State of Connecticut, bordering Long Island Sound.  As of 2012,  the New London County population totaled approximately 274,170 consisting of 84% Caucasian, 6.5% African American, 8.8% Hispanic, 4.3% Asian and 1% American Indian.

The County contains 20,399 businesses and 213,137 employees within these businesses. Though nearly 68% of the residents reside and work within the counties borders there is a large concentration of commuters and visitors.

In addition to the employees there are visitors, tourists and vacationers that visit the area routinely.  Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino, located just across the Thames River, attracts 11 million visitors annually.  In addition Foxwoods Resort & Casino  only 8 miles away from Preston Riverwalk via Routes  2a and 2 attracts over 13 million visitors annually.  Connecticut College,  located just 20 minutes outside Preston, has a student population of approximately 2,000. Mystic Seaport also a short 20 minute drive away attracts 300,000 per year.







Copyright 2015 Preston Redevelopment Agency